Eight and a Half Bit

It's time to compare remasters with Wonder Boy and Full throttle, talk Technobabble in Technobabylon, find out what remained of Edith Finch and shoot up some Cosmic Star Heroine!


All this AND MORE™!


Games discussed: Full Throttle Remastered, Wonder boy: The Dragon’s Trap, What Remains of Edith Finch?, Overwatch, Diablo III, The Binding of Isaac, Yooka-Laylee, Starcraft, Paradigm, Cosmic Star Heroine, Guardians of the Galaxy Episode 1, Wayward Souls, Medieval Miner, Dawn of War 3, Technobabalyon, Halo Wars: Definitive Edition, Vanquish , Call of Duty WWII


Follow us on twitter!

Eight and a Half Bit: @8AndAHalfBit

James: @JamesBowling

Amy: @iamtoshki

Paul: @MrParoxysm

Jeremy: @jeremyevans87

Direct download: Episode_212.mp3
Category:Gaming -- posted at: 4:02pm AEDT

Is Yooka-Laylee deserving of being the internet’s new whipping boy? How much was there to learn from the Arms/Splatoon 2 Direct? And how appropriate is Senran Kagura?


All this AND MORE™!


Games discussed: Yooka-Laylee, Spelunker World, Puyo Puyo Tetris, Game of Thrones, Overwatch, Book of Demons, Puyo Puyo Tetris, Event[0], Payday 2, RPG Maker FES, Bye-Bye Box Boy, Splatoon 2, Arms, Senran Kagura, Bayonetta, StarCraft, Pac-Man Maker, Battlefront II


Follow us on twitter!

Eight and a Half Bit: @8AndAHalfBit

James: @JamesBowling

Amy: @iamtoshki

Paul: @MrParoxysm

Jeremy: @jeremyevans87

Direct download: Episode_211.mp3
Category:Gaming -- posted at: 11:12am AEDT

This week we take a shallow dive into Persona 5, revisit the missing discussion from last week on Snake Pass and put some light into the dark corners of 2Dark. Also Frog Climbers rules.

All this AND MORE™!

Games discussed: 2Dark, Deformers, Snake Pass, Kio’s Adventure, Bearzerkers, Frog Climbers,Strafe, ARMS, Drawn to Death, Binding of Isaac


Follow us on twitter!

Eight and a Half Bit: @8AndAHalfBit

James: @JamesBowling

Amy: @iamtoshki

Paul: @MrParoxysm

Jeremy: @jeremyevans87

Direct download: Episode_210.mp3
Category:Gaming -- posted at: 12:46pm AEDT

We were supposed to discuss Snake Pass but the camera disagreed!  That's ok there's still plenty of adventure to be had with Thimbleweed Park and Paradigm!


All this AND MORE™!


Games discussed: Thimbleweed Park, Paradigm, The Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+, Dark Train, 8-bit bayonetta, I Am Setsuna, The Secret World, Planescape Torment, Destiny 2


Follow us on twitter!

Eight and a Half Bit: @8AndAHalfBit

James: @JamesBowling

Paul: @MrParoxysm

Jeremy: @jeremyevans87

Direct download: Episode_209.mp3
Category:Gaming -- posted at: 2:43pm AEDT